The Hazard Portfolio module provides you with a comprehensive tool for identifying and analysing* process risks in the company.

It allows you to derive the appropriate measures to minimize risks to an acceptable level. asa-control thereby provides step-by-step support for realization, assessment, measure implementation and risk analysis.



  • Processes with possible hazard categories and hazards as master data (reusable and mutable)
  • Save and link existing documents to processes
  • Create portfolio templates with processes as templates (reusable and mutable)
  • Commission hazard portfolios including e-mail invitations to those responsible for implementation
  • Document the persons involved (specialists and employees)
  • Continuous commenting function on all implementation steps
  • Assign hazard potential and regulations to processes (including file linking to existing documents).
  • Perform risk analysis
  • Define and task measures. Including e-mail notification to those responsible for implementation
  • Monitor and document the implementation of measures.
  • Reminder function for missed deadlines possible
  • Residual risk analysis
  • Comprehensive PDF report
  • Clear documentation and archiving of implemented steps.
  • Web-based, no local installation necessary
  • Including the asa-control basic functions (company structure, employees, specialist functions, notifications, deadline monitoring, documentation).


*The compilation of a portfolio and risk assessment, in particular, requires the expertise of an occupational safety specialist. If you do not have all or only some of the required experts in your company, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will put you in touch with one of our partner companies that specialize in occupational safety and health.


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